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Presidential candidates announce their proposals on security at the International Security CongressExpo

Within the framework of the VI integral fair that takes place in Chile, Seguridad Expo 2021, the International Congress was held in parallel with rapporteurs from the public and private world.

Publicada: Thursday 28 de October del 2021
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Within the framework of the VI integral fair that takes place in Chile, Seguridad Expo 2021, the International Congress was held in parallel with rapporteurs from the public and private world. The panel of the programs of the presidential candidacies in matters of security was attended by the representatives of the presidential commands of Yasna Provoste, Sebastián Sichel and José Antonio Kast. Eduardo Vergara, who is a security expert and representative of Yasna Provoste’s candidacy, said that Yasna Provoste’s program “has some core axes that aim to fight with new approaches to ending drug trafficking and organized crime. They will also make it a priority to empower victims and anticipate problems.” And he proposed the creation of a Ministry of Public Security and a law that protects private security officials. From the candidacy of Sebastián Sichel was the expert in the field, Diego Izquierdo, who emphasized the protection of people. And for this reason he maintained that “the State is the one that has to act with coordination and efficiency. That is why there must be a new institutionality in matters of public security.” In that sense, he added that “interoperability is key.” He said that they will support “the idea of a Ministry of Public Security and that we must also carry out better coordination with and between the Carabineros and Investigations police.” Izquierdo spoke of creating an Early Warning since “people want to live safely and this Alert will be able to generate new and better anticipation mechanisms and of course improve prevention.” For José Antonio Kast participated Cristián Araya, who stated that: “The main security is that of the people. First premise for us is; living safely is a right, not a privilege.” He announced that if he arrives at the La Moneda Palace, the first measure his candidate will take will be to eliminate the meetings of the political committee on Mondays. “It doesn’t make sense for ministers to get together to talk about security that day. Kast has said that the first thing he will do is settle in the area of La Araucanía, an area that suffers from crime and terrorism. The focus must be on the victims. He also announced the creation of the Victims’ Ombudsman’s Office: “It is not possible that there is no institutionality that does not protect the victim

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