The Fourth Industrial Revolution is in full swing. Technologies based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, in addition to improvements in processing and storage, have a disruptive impact on business and management models. Talking about transformation is not enough, it is better to talk about mutation. The impact on transport (Uber), on television and cinema (Netflix), on music (Spotify) and also on retail (Mercado Libre and Amazon) is known to everyone. The impact is also evident in our country, with Cornershop being the most emblematic case. However, in this maelstrom of changes many risks arise, some very dangerous. They affect organizations, but also end customers and citizens. We refer to (i) free competition, (ii) protection of personal data and (iii) cybersecurity. The first is expressed in the fines and questions that large technology companies receive for limiting free competition, while the second has been translated into strict legal bodies to protect the digital identity of each of the users. The third, meanwhile, is very pertinent, since the US recently suffered very aggressive cyberattacks, including blackmail. One worrisome was to an oil pipeline (Colonial Pipeline), compromising energy distribution; another, to a major refrigerator (JBS); both resolved after a multi-million dollar payment. Recent events are more sophisticated, with the participation of criminal organizations – global in scope – which, through malicious software (ransomware), block access to your own systems. To learn about new technologies on Cybersecurity, participate in SeguridadExpo between October 26 and 28 at Espacio Riesco. Source: El Mercurio